For Chicago residents, Assured Insulation Solutions offers rebates through the Peoples Gas Natural Gas Savings Program

Duct System- If there is a forced air system (furnace) we can seal the duct system if most of it is exposed in the basement, crawl, or attic space and we  get paid based on how much we improve the air leakage rate up to a maximum of $500.00.

Insulation -  We can insulate attics that have very little insulation with up to R49 of insulation and the utility company will pay $.30 per square foot. Insulation rebate up to a maximum of $300.00.  (Hundreds of homes in Chicago already completed)

Air Sealing - Homes that undergo significant air sealing work can benefit from hundreds of dollars in yearly savings, not to mention the level of comfort that comes along with it. When a home is not properly air sealed cold or warm air seeps through at the foundation of a house, via subtle, structural flaws, and rises up through the walls and floors, eventually reaching the attic. That unwanted transfer of energy could be a result of poor duct work, an improperly sealed attic floor, or a variety of similar deficiencies (typically it's the combination of a few things). Air Seal reabate is up to a maximum of $400.00.

Free estimate/assessment of your home.

How are these Rebates Available?

The rebates are paid for by the customers every month. Each utility bill will have a line item for “Natural Gas Savings Program” for $0.25-$0.75 per month, per customer. These are the funds used to pay the rebates. It is NOT an income based program like CEDA or others, and it is not technically free as it is already paid for by the utility client’s funds.

Safety protocol is strictly followed and our standards typically exceed those put forth by code or ordinance. 

Reach out to Assured today to see what rebate and financing programs are available to you! Give us a call at 708-570-3260 or fill out the form on this page.

Save on air sealing, insulation and more.

Contact us to learn more about the Peoples Gas Natural Gas Savings Program!


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  • The install went great and the guys were great to work with. No complaints here!

    Jonathan, Lowrance Property