This graph shows which structural air-leaks drive up energy costs the most, allowing you to maximize efforts toward reinforcing your home's building envelope.

The graph below shows which structural air-leaks drive up energy costs the most, allowing you to maximize efforts toward reinforcing your home's building envelope. 

The combination of a blower door and the tools to seal leaks in your house is one of the proven ways to cut down on costly air leakage.

Using a blower door--a device that sucks the air out of your house to simulate an especially windy day--is the best way to identify where your house leaks. For many of us, a thousand little pin pricks may add up to a hole in your house the size of a window left open 24 hours a day, 365 says per year. 

By using a blower door in coordination with air sealing, we can identify the biggest leaks and get them sealed. 

Video of air leakage through a light switch during a blower door test.

Here's an interesting video from our friends at Energy Vanguard that shows how much air can leak through simple things like light switches.

Not sure how you would stand to benefit from an energy audit? Learn these five ways an energy audit can improve the comfort, health, and monthly costs of your Frankfort, IL area home. Assured Insulation Solutions offers professional energy audits throughout Northwest Indiana and Chicago Southland.

Learn this landscaping trick to keeping your home cool, from the outside in. Using the better building science, Assured Insulation outlines how the shade from expertly placed trees can keep your attic cool, which will keep the temperature in your home protected from the outdoor heat.

Winter's coming. It's already heating season. So how do you save money on heating costs? You've got to own your heat. Simple as that. You've paid for all that warm air already, so it doesn't make much sense to waste it now.

Learn how an inefficient refrigerator can negatively impact your energy use, and how homeowners in the Frankfort, IL area can save on upgrading to energy efficient refrigerators. Assured Insulation Solutions can help you recycle your old refrigerator and save on the cost of an upgrade with available rebates.


  • Install was great and had no issues whatsoever!

    Lisa O.